Technical Info.


What to do if  LPG gas leak?

What to do if LPG gas leak?


LPG gas leak not only harm your family but also effect environment,it's necessary to install a gas leak alarm,if you need gas leak alarm,please contact us.

The harm of LPG gas leak

The harm of LPG gas leak


Common manifestations of inhalation LPG poisoning,in order to prevent LPG poisoned,you can buy a gas leak alarm,if you need household gas leak alarm,please contact us.

Understanding Gas Detection Technology

Understanding Gas Detection Technology


Gas detectors are essential to safeguarding lives, protecting the environment and protecting industry assets.

Risks of natural gas leak

Risks of natural gas leak


Natural gas leak can be detected by gas leak alarm,if you need gas leak alarm,please contact us.

Introduction to Rainwater Comprehensive Utilization System

Introduction to Rainwater Comprehensive Utilization System


A rainwater drainage collection and utilization system tailored for buildings and urban environments. It can capture, treat, and reuse rainwater efficiently, promoting sustainability and environm

What are the classifications of the alcohol tester?

What are the classifications of the alcohol tester?


As a professional alcohol testers supplier, we supply a wide range of alcohol monitors, so plz contact us at any time, if you need a breathalyzer.

 How long can a breathalyzer detect alcohol?

How long can a breathalyzer detect alcohol?


As a professional alcohol tester supplier, if you face any difficulty in breathalyzer, you can contact us, and we will help at any time.

How accurate are breathalyzer tests?

How accurate are breathalyzer tests?


As a professional alcohol tester supplier, we have a wide range of breathalyzers, you can contact us at any time to purchase.

Features of AC Power Gas Leak Alarm

Features of AC Power Gas Leak Alarm


Do you know the feature of AC power gas leak alarm,let's take a look at this and if you need gas leak alarm, please contact us.

Integrating Gas Alarms with Open Window Settings

Integrating Gas Alarms with Open Window Settings


You know that? Gas alarms can connect with open window setting,this setting can help open the window when gas alarms beep.If you need gas leak alarm,please contact us.

Rainwater harvesting and treatment systems in various applications

Rainwater harvesting and treatment systems in various applications


The approach to rainwater management in Greenbelt, Plaza, and Lake Square, as well as within the architectural and community design, emphasizes an eco-friendly, low-impact development philosophy

Features of  DC Gas Leak Alarm

Features of DC Gas Leak Alarm


DC powered gas leak alarm is different with AC operated gas leak alarm,we offer both products. If you need gas leak alarms,please contact us.