Technical Info.


Rainwater harvesting and treatment systems in various applications

Published on: 2024-08-02      Views: 90

In Greenbelt and Plaza

    Make full use of the plaza and the natural undulation of green space "micro-terrain" comprehensive use of "seepage, stagnation, storage, purification, use, discharge" measures. Through the natural accumulation, natural infiltration, natural purification role, the rainwater resources collection and utilization, the first rain pollution control, landscape construction and park construction organic combination.

In  Lake Square

    Rainwater runoff from the building area's lower mat surface enters the green belt and is excluded through various greening areas, and the recycling of rainwater resources is realized through the use of rooftop greening, ground-level greening systems, ground-level infiltration paving, and giving full play to the purifying effects of vegetation and rainwater recycling facilities.

In Architecture and Community

    The building area is designed for green roofs according to the concept of low-impact development, which is integrated with the  original green vegetation to continue the landscape, and at the same time, a siphon rainwater recycling system has been built by    utilizing the sky surface of the roof. In order to better maximize the rainwater accumulation, infiltration and purification in a certain  area, the three main parts of the hard paved plaza, the greening area around the road and the catchment area are upgraded and  transformed, so as to achieve the purpose of rainwater "seepage, stagnation, storage, purification and use" to achieve the  comprehensive benefits of rainwater collection, purification and utilization.