Technical Info.


How are gas detection tubes calibrated?

Published on: 2024-08-07      Views: 160

Gas detection tubes are typically calibrated using a known concentration of the target gas. Here’s a general outline of the calibration process for gas detection tubes:

Prepare the Tube: Ensure the gas detection tube is properly inserted into the sampling pump or other apparatus designed for drawing air through the tube.

Draw Calibration Gas Through the Tube: Attach the calibrated pump or another suitable device to draw a specific volume of the calibration gas through the tube. The volume of gas drawn through the tube should match the manufacturer's recommendations for the specific tube being used.

Measure Response: Allow the calibration gas to flow through the tube for the specified time. The chemical reagent in the tube will react with the gas, causing a color change or other measurable reaction.

Compare to Color Chart or Scale: After exposure to the gas, read the final measurement from the tube. This is usually done by visually comparing the color change against a calibrated color chart provided by the tube manufacturer. The color intensity or length of the color stain correlates with the concentration of the gas.

Calculate Concentration: Determine the concentration of the gas based on the calibration chart and the tube's response. Ensure the concentration falls within the expected range for accurate measurement.

Record Calibration: Record the calibration results including the gas concentration, date, and any relevant notes. This documentation is important for regulatory compliance and maintaining accurate records.

Gas detection tubes are calibrated periodically to ensure accurate readings and reliable performance in detecting gases. The calibration process may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer's instructions and the specific type of gas detection tube being used.

We just provided some calibration methods, all of our detector tubes didn't need calibration. If you need gas detector tubes, please contact us. We will provide the product list for you.