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Layout of green areas for rainwater collection system

Published on: 2024-08-06      Views: 55

   Make full use of the rainwater collection and utilization capabilities of roadside zones, green belts, and rear green spaces. By adjusting the green elevation, we can effectively guide rainwater outside the road's red line into these green areas, thereby reducing the peak flow of stormwater runoff and mitigating urban flooding. Leveraging the "stagnation, storage, and seepage" functions of green spaces, we can further reduce the pollution of rainwater runoff, achieving comprehensive effectiveness in our green spaces.

Rainwater Harvesting and Treatment Processes in Green Spaces:

  1. Install rainwater filter outlets on the perimeter of the green space.
  2. Treat the incoming rainwater through inlet energy dissipation wells before it enters the green space.
  3. Collect rainwater within the green space using micro-topography.
  4. Direct the water into grassed swales, slowing down the flow rate and enhancing infiltration and retention.
  5. Allow excess rainwater to overflow into the outfall rainwater well.
  6. Discharge any remaining excess rainwater from the well into the municipal pipe network.

    By implementing these rainwater harvesting and treatment processes, we can maximize the benefits of green spaces in managing urban stormwater while minimizing the impact on municipal infrastructure. Together, let's harness the power of nature to create a more sustainable and resilient urban environment.