What is EN standard?
Published on: 2024-08-05 Views: 257
EN, formally titled "Gas detectors - Electrical apparatus for the detection of combustible gases in domestic premises," is a European standard that specifies requirements for gas detection devices used in residential settings. Developed by the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC), EN standard sets forth guidelines and performance criteria that gas detectors must meet to ensure their effectiveness in detecting and alerting users to the presence of combustible gases like natural gas (methane) or liquefied petroleum gas (propane).
Key Requirements of EN standard
The standard covers various aspects to ensure the reliability and safety of gas detection devices, including:
Performance Specifications: EN standard defines the sensitivity levels and response times that detectors must achieve when detecting specified gases. This ensures that devices promptly detect gas leaks to mitigate potential risks.
Alarm Functionality: Gas detectors compliant with EN standard are required to emit audible alarms that exceed 85 decibels at a distance of 3 meters, ensuring that occupants are promptly alerted to the presence of gas.
Durability and Reliability: The standard outlines durability requirements to ensure that detectors maintain their effectiveness over time and under varying environmental conditions commonly found in residential settings.