Technical Info.


Alcohol tester calibration method

Published on: 2024-08-05      Views: 51

According to the type and detection principle of the breathalyzer, select the appropriate calibration method. Common calibration methods include comparison testing with a known concentration of alcohol standard gas, or calibration with other certified standard equipment. Ensure that the selected method complies with industry standards or regulatory requirements.

Prepare the calibration environment

Calibration should be carried out in a non-interference, stable environment to ensure the accuracy of the measurement results. The calibration environment should meet certain temperature, humidity and air pressure conditions, and away from electromagnetic radiation, chemical gases and other factors that may affect the test results. At the same time, prepare the necessary tools and equipment, such as standard gases, calibration instruments, recording sheets, etc.

Use standard equipment

Use certified standard equipment or standard gas for calibration, and the standard equipment should have good stability and moisture catchability to ensure the reliability of the calibration results. Before use, standard equipment should be inspected and confirmed to ensure that it is in good condition.

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