Technical Info.


Alcohol tester's detection standards

Published on: 2024-08-05      Views: 52

There may be slight differences between countries or regions regarding the testing standards of alcohol testers, but certain scientific principles and international standards are generally followed. Taking the common Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) as an example, the following two boundaries are often used as key points of legal determination:

1. 20mg/100ml and <80mg/100ml: This range is generally considered to be drunk driving (or drunk driving). Under this standard, although the driver drinks alcohol, it has not yet reached the extent of seriously affecting the driving ability, but it has violated traffic safety regulations and needs to bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

2. 80mg/100ml and above  : This range is considered to be drunk driving (or drunk driving). At this time, the driver's driving ability has been seriously affected, which is easy to cause traffic accidents and poses a serious threat to public safety. Therefore, the law adopts more severe punishment measures for such acts.

It is worth noting that the above standards are not absolute, and the specific values may vary by country or region, and may be adjusted as laws and regulations are updated.

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