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Rainwater Storage Module Installation Process

Published on: 2024-07-31      Views: 69

    Foundation treatment → Geotextile, geomembrane laying → Module positioning and yardage → Pipe and module connection → Foundation backfilling and tamping → Product protection.

  1. Pay attention to the size of construction, trench excavation size must be larger than the product design size, mechanical excavation close to the design size should be used for manual excavation leveling and then tamping the original soil;
  2. The foundation is poured with reticulated two-way reinforced concrete, and the grading rate should not exceed 5‰, and fine sand is used for grading;
  3. Lay the geotextile - geomembrane - geotextile on the foundation base, construct the two cloths and one membrane to completely block the water storage products and the foundation base without any scratch and crack;
  4. Locate the position of each inspection wellhead, vertically overlap the installation module, maintain left and right alignment, installation should use a mallet or rubber hammer;
  5. Backwash pipe risers should be placed on one side, and each backwash system pipe should be evenly distributed;
  6. Rainwater collection module system products installed, plus a layer of polystyrene board for protection backfill, the finished product should be in close contact with the geotextile fabric, excess or overlap part of the tape bonding;
  7. Rainwater module construction backfill should be installed after the completion of obvious warning signs, is strictly prohibited more than the design load object crushing;