Technical Info.


The difference between different alcohol testers

Published on: 2024-07-30      Views: 69

The breathalyzer can also be handheld or electronic. Most police use an electronic device about the size of a cell phone. When you blow into a mouthpiece, it gives you an instant reading. You may need to repeat this step several times to get a more accurate average reading. These steps don't have to take long, and the point is that they don't hurt.
The most common disposable breathalyzer test currently available on the market is a glass tube with a crystal, complete with a balloon. When you blow air into the balloon, it releases the air into the glass tube, and the crystals in the tube change color depending on the amount of alcohol in your body.
In general, a line of green means your alcohol level is below 0.05%, which is within the safe legal driving limit. Two green bands mean your blood alcohol concentration is between 0.05% and 0.10%, and three green bands mean more than 0.10%.
Of course, if you want to make sure you're safe to drive before you get behind the wheel, you can purchase a disposable breathalyzer test for yourself. We supply a variety of breathalyzers, you can contact us to purchase.

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