Technical Info.


Breathalyzer Tips

Published on: 2024-07-26      Views: 78

How long does it usually take for a breathalyzer test to give a result?

Usually, when you use a breathalyzer, it only takes a few seconds to a minute to get a reading.

Are there substances that can affect the accuracy of a breathalyzer test?

Yes, mouthwashes, breath fresheners, and certain medications that may contain alcohol or other compounds that may affect the results of a breathalyzer test can all affect the accuracy of the results.

Therefore, these substances should be avoided for approximately 15 to 20 minutes before using a breathalyzer test.


What is the legal blood alcohol limit for driving?

We recommend that you be aware of the specific laws and regulations in your area. 

Can disposable alcohol test kits be used for alcohol testing on other occasions?

Yes, the breathalyzer is usually used in a variety of occasions, including personal use, business, bars, restaurants, etc., to ensure that the safety risks of drunk driving are eliminated.