How long the alcohol stays in your system?
Published on: 2024-07-22 Views: 149
Alcohol metabolism is the process by which the body breaks down alcohol and flushes it out of the body, and alcohol generally has a short life in the body.
When you drink alcohol, it goes straight into your digestive system. About a fifth of the alcohol in a drink goes directly into the bloodstream. From there, it's taken to your brain. The rest travels to the small intestine and then directly into the bloodstream.
Since alcohol gets into your brain, lungs, and other tissues, you may feel the effects of alcohol immediately after drinking.
The effects of alcohol may last 15 to 45 minutes. In the last step of the alcohol's life cycle, liver enzymes break down the alcohol and flush it out of the body.
Factors affecting the duration of alcohol effects
Many factors affect the duration of alcohol's effects. It mostly depends on how long it takes your body to break down and eliminate alcohol efficiently and quickly.
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