Technical Info.


How to handle the gas detection tube after use?

How to handle the gas detection tube after use?


How to handle the used gas detector tube,we should think and if you need gas detector tubes,please contact us.We will provide you more details.

What is the calibration basis for the alcohol detector?

What is the calibration basis for the alcohol detector?


Alcohol detectors usually need to be calibrated every 6 months, if you have trouble in alcohol testers, you can contact us, and also we supply all kinds of breathalyzers, you can contact us to buy.

Are the contents of the gas detection tube toxic?

Are the contents of the gas detection tube toxic?


Colorimetric detector tubes contain some chemical contents inside the tube.You should use the detector tube properly,if you need gas detector tubes,please contact us.

How to maintain the alcohol detector?

How to maintain the alcohol detector?


This article is about how to maintain the alcohol detector, we supply all kinds of alcohol testers, you can contact us to buy breathalyzers.